CONTROLS: arrow keys, if it doesn't work at first try clicking in the game window a couple times. start at the question mark first, or dont  hehe

An attempt to make a bitsy game based off a character from William S. Burroughs' Red Night Trilogy, with little vignettes/scenes/cut ups from the books in true Beat fashion. Most text is directly from the books, with minimal changes (except stuff in caps a la space funeral and some updated language).  Made with bitsy color + Unfinished but will update as more progress is made, this is my first game and its prob gonna be messy for a while! 

last updated 12/16/20 : almost finished w the mummy room and adding the transition and text to the church scene, after that DEAD JOE text snippets will be added 


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This is all coming together in a strange way, and I can't wait to see more.